LLB (Hons) Law
3 up to 6 Years
Full time, Part time
Request application deadline
Jan 2025
GBP 5,500 / per year
Distance learning
Course Overview
Arden University’s online LLB (Hons) Law will provide you with the necessary legal skills to start your career as a legal professional. Develop your legal and ethical understanding with this programme, and specialise in areas of interest to you and your career path.
Arden’s flexible study mode allows you to develop your knowledge of law around your existing commitments. This programme will equip you with the sound negotiation and problem-solving skills required to take you closer to your career goals.
The full range of programmes offered by Arden features a strong focus on employability, practical skills, and career success. This programme has been developed to help you understand the tenets of law from a variety of perspectives, and give you the skills for a career in the justice system.
Course Modules
Level 4
Foundations in Legal Skills
This module gives you a firm foundation with the basics - including the academic, legal, and professional skills needed for career success.
English Legal System
Learn the differences between case law and legislation, and analyse how Parliament and the legal system work in conjunction. You’ll also develop your legal vocabulary, in order to understand the judiciary, delegated legislation, and categories of law.
Criminal Law
This module explains the differences between case law and legislation and gives you the opportunity to analyse how the legal system, parliament, and the EU work together. You’ll be introduced to some necessary legal terminology to understand categories of law, the judiciary, and delegated legislation.
Law of Contract
In this module, you’ll begin to unravel the elements of English contract law, and how it came to be what it is today. You’ll develop the skills to apply principles of contract law to help solve legal problems.
Constitutional and Administrative Law
You’ll look at Parliamentary supremacy, Separation of Powers, the Rule of Law, and the impact of the EU. Learn to use constitutional and administrative law in context to solve a range of problems as you take a look through history and pin down the important legal principles.
Law and Ethics
This module presents you with a variety of ethical problems to tackle and will put the spotlight on civil and human rights, how you should advise your clients, and knowing where your responsibilities lie.
Level 5
Law of Tort 1 – Tort of Negligence
In the broad area of law known as Tort, the largest component is termed ‘negligence’. You’ll consider which responsibilities are owed to individuals or organisations, and the consequences for falling short.
Law of Tort 2 – Land and Other Torts
You will cover topics such as trespass, nuisance, and defamation in this second Tort module. Applying these rules to real-life problems, this module will develop your ability to deal with breaches of the law and protect people from risk.
Civil Liberties and Human Rights
This module explores human rights in greater depth, to look at the relationship between individuals and the state, which rights and freedoms we really have, and how much power the police really wield.
Law of Property
Property law includes all sorts of rights and rules, and you’ll have the chance to explore how they all operate together. This module takes a look at laws old and new, including the ways titles, co-ownership, and land law work in conjunction.
European Union Law
Nobody knows how relations between the UK and EU will change in the coming years, though European Law has had a significant impact in the UK. This will not be wiped out overnight, and an understanding of EU law will be necessary for some years to come.
Pro Bono and Professional Practice
You’ll have the chance to boost your professional skills in this module. This could include a work placement with a law firm, your own employment activities, or professional activities such as schools or prisons.
Level 6
Law of Evidence
Using important cases, including the Human Rights Act 1998, you will consider how the collection of evidence takes place, how it can be used, and what is defined as proof in this module.
Equity, Trusts and Wills
Learn the key principles that lead to the development of equity, and how this compares to common law. This module gives you the essential background to understand how trusts function, and the professional skills to draft a will.
International Commercial Law
Learn about the international marketplace, and the rules, regulations, and international agreements that dictate how trade operates in it. You’ll have a chance to cover the different measures in place, and what they mean in practice for companies.
Legal Research Methods and Project
Use this module to demonstrate everything you have learnt so far, as you plan your legal research project. You will then draft and write your findings, including all the ethical issues it throws up.
Also, Choose Two From:
Family Law
This module takes in children, relationships, child abduction, and domestic abuse. Family law is full of sensitive areas, so alongside a thorough understanding of how family relationships work, you’ll need to develop strong legal drafting and negotiation skills.
Employment Law
This module looks at the delicate balance between employee, employer, trade unions, the government and the EU. You’ll explore worker’s rights, global downturn, employee and child protection, and build plenty of transferable skills for the workplace.
Company Law
Explore the essentials of modern company law, and consider how key theories and practices related to each other. Examining some of the contemporary ethical issues facing modern business, you will have the chance to gain hands-on experience, forming your own ‘mock’ company to explore the topic.
Intellectual Property Law
This area of the law helps protect creative types and their work. You’ll use real-life examples to understand the principles behind it all, as you explore, copyright, patents, international law, creative industries, and trade.
Ideal Students
Looking to kick off your career as a legal professional? Look no further: the LLB (Hons) Law is the one for you. You’ll delve into all the must-knows of the UK and EU legal system, building up an in-depth knowledge of law - and all the job smarts you’ll need too. This LLB (Hons) is recognised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board.
Being a successful lawyer is all about applying your legal knowledge to a complicated situation and providing a well-reasoned solution. Each year, you’ll explore the core principles of law. Once you’ve got this under your belt, you’ll be free to pick two of the four optional modules.
Career Opportunities
Future legal roles include:
- Solicitor
- Barrister
- Paralegal
- Legal Executive
- Legal Secretary
Non legal career options are almost endless, but popular choices include:
- Journalism
- Policing
- Politics
- Teaching and academia
- Tax consultancy roles
- Business consultancy roles
Scholarships and Funding
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.